Friday, March 3, 2023

Alien Artifacts


You have to love winter in Manitoba, nothing like our extreme  cold temperatures to keep one indoors. I usually do just that in the winter, practically hibernate and work on stuff indoors and try to stay out of the cold. Well this winter I decided to finally work on something I had been wanting to do for a great many years now and that was an Alien Sarcophagus. Anyone who has known me for a long time may recall me saying from time to time that it was something I had always wanted to do, well I'm not getting any younger I fathomed so it's high time I get cracking on that project.

After the Winnipeg Comic-Con I was feeling pretty inspired to work on some physical art as opposed to work on the computer which I had been somewhat limited too for many years not really having the space to work on anything.... um, dare I say... 'substantial,' it was nice to finally have some room to stretch out and do some good old fashioned hands on traditional art which was something I was missing having been so 'confined' for a good many years. Don't get me wrong, I love working on the computer doing digital art but I do miss getting my hands dirty from time to time. Working on K.I.T.T. for the last ten plus years was nice but it's a very different sort of creativity.

So this winter I REALLY wanted to hunker down and do this long desired project. After creating a simple cheesy looking mummy and six pumpkins for perhaps the next time we take K.I.T.T. to Comic-Con just to decorate our space a little more Halloween - like I right away got into making a dead alien mummy. The work was progressing along nicely and the more I worked on it the more I thought that this would be the perfect time to finally make that Alien Sarcophagus I had always wanted to make. I waited until the mummy was done and then began work on the Sarcophagus beginning of December.

I did a simple test video using the Alien Mummy for my YouTube channel titled 'How to fake a Dead Alien' based off of a video I had seen years ago about a doctor who had shot an alien whilst out walking his dog.

I think the dead Alien Mummy took about half the month to create. The Alien Sarcophagus on the other hand was a good three months to complete. Working on it I ended up having a lot of corrections and frag-ups to fix given my construction materials, working on a budget don't you know ;)

The more I worked on the Sarcophagus the more I kept thinking our dead Alien Mummy needed something, but what? and then it hit me, crashed flying saucer wreckage thrown in just for fun, that's what. so I ended up deciding I'd make 6 pieces of alien wreckage to have bundled up inside of our Sarcophagus entombed along with our dead Alien Mummy... seemed to make sense. My thought being that they might have decided to burry bits of his crashed spaceship along with him, especially if the bits seemed strange to them... it's funny how on projects like this they kind of take on a life of their own and create their own story as you are going along.

Later on as work on both the Alien Sarcophagus and strange UFO debris progressed the more and more I started thinking about doing some sort of recovered UFO video made to look like it was shot on old super 8mm film and had been around for a great many years.

  I wanted to shoot the video kind of like one of those reality T.V. shows you see like Paranormal Activity or the Blair Witch Project where upon seeing it you are not sure if it's real or fake. So I worked on the video and made it like a MDK Graphics Presents kind of thing.

In the end after three months of work over our long cold winter it's amazing what you can make with paper Mache and glue, lots and lots of glue and a whole lot of patience ;)



Alien Artifacts